On 14 February 1965 the Marine 1st LAAM Battalion established its anti-aircraft operations center colocated with the USAF CRP. At Duy Xuyn, however, the PAVN/VC overran the town, forcing the district chief to flee and take refuge with the Koreans. soldier and wounding two. I was in Danang less than a month when the Vietcong used rockets to attack the Danang Air Base for the first time in the war, on the morning of February 27. [1]:159, On the night of 5/6 February, the PAVN/VC forces began the second phase of their Da Nang offensive. Bringing up two artillery platoons , the ARVN gunners lowered their pieces and fired pointblank at the VC. [1]:1445, At 03:30 PAVN/VC forces launched an assault against General Hong Xun Lm's I Corps headquarters. For example, while the R-20th attempted to maintain a full complement of 400 men through the recruitment or impressment of local villagers and infiltration of North Vietnamese "volunteers," intelligence sources rated the unit only "marginally effective. [1]:154, Throughout the Da Nang TAOR, the intensity of activity increased during the night. Behind the Marine and Korean lines, the ARVN 51st Regiment deployed in support of the South Vietnamese Revolutionary Development program. According to Marine intelligence sources, Rummage may well "have rendered a reinforced battalion combat ineffective, forcing the enemy to modify his plans at a critical time." PAVN/VC fired rockets at both the Da Nang Air Base and Marble Mountain Air Facility. A high number of casualties were Vietnamese civilians living in a village just east of Da Nang Air Base. 1969. They fired, killing one of the enemy underwater demolition team, while the other member surrendered to the Marines. Da Nang Air Base was one of the major air bases used for offensive air operations within South Vietnam and for the support of USMC and ARVN forces. The III MAF Command Center later that evening radioed MACV in Saigon: "Although the enemy has suffered heavy losses within his local and main force VC units during the past two days, he still possesses a formidable threat utilizing [PAVN] troops poised on the periphery of the Da Nang TAOR. The PAVN 2nd Division still remained intact, but was not about to renew the offensive. Later that afternoon, the 1st Marine Division helilifted a "Bald Eagle" reaction force from Company E, 2/3 Marines east of the river in an attempt to encircle the PAVN. III Marine Amphibious Force (III MAF) had its headquarters at Hill 327 west of the Air Base, while ARVN I Corps had its headquarters north of the Air Base. He later confided to Davis, "Bill, your phone call was right on the money! [1]:160, By this time, Robertson was worried about the ability to contain the PAVN/VC offensive south of Da Nang. Citation Nr: 1224394 Decision Date: 07/13/12 Archive Date: 07/18/12 DOCKET NO. One battalion was to deploy immediately, with the other to deploy the next day. He and Randall agreed that they would deploy one of the battalion's two reserve provisional Quick Reaction platoons composed of headquarters personnel. The PAVN obviously were bringing the local VC main force units up to strength, even if to do so they had to bring in replacements from the north. DA NANG A.B. [1]:146, Lieutenant Colonel Twyman R. Hill's 1st MP Battalion operated directly under III MAF and was responsible for the "close-in defense" of the Da Nang Air Base, the two bridges between Tiensha Peninsula, Marble Mountain Air Facility and the Naval Hospital on the Tiensha (Tin Sa) Peninsula. 07-18 488 ) DATE ) ) On appeal from the Department of Veterans Affairs Regional Office in Muskogee, With covering fire provided by 81mm and 82mm mortars, about a reinforced company reached the I Corps headquarters compound actually located within the city of Da Nang just outside the northern perimeter of the Air Base. [ Bob Kaatman photo ] Second cache of bombs ignites. Other enemy rocketeers took the Force Logistic Command compound under fire. PAVN/VC gunners, however, continued to be active and shot down a Marine CH-46 attempting to insert a reconnaissance team into a landing zone in the hill mass in the western sector of Da Nang below the Ty Loan River. PAVN/VC gunners then replied with a mortar barrage, which resulted in two Marine dead and two wounded. About 50 minutes later, another recon team, Air Hose, about 2,000 meters to the northeast of Saddle Bag, saw more than 50 enemy troops moving eastward. A Company E, 2/3 Marines squad patrol in its regular area of operations just east of the confluence of the Thanh Qut and Vnh in River came under attack from an estimated squad of enemy. Robertson later compared the enemy activity that night to a "10-ring circus." He seems to think there was only one rocket attack at Da Nang in 1972. Rummage soon determined that the total number of PAVN approximated 500 or more men, moving in two columns. Note: Dick previously sent us some Stars and Stripes clippings mentioning rocket attacks and other "newsworthy items" of the day. Both the 2/3 Marines to the east of the Army task force and the 3/5 Marines to the south, also reported relatively little enemy activity in their sectors. Advisory Group at Da Nang, the PFs and RFs accounted for eight dead VC and captured one wounded VC. These rockets had a range of several miles and were deadly. Da Nang Air Base : Sapper & Rocket Attacks During The Vietnam War militaryvideocom 40.6K subscribers Subscribe 566 Share Save 123K views 10 years ago This is a preview of our 78-minute. Fires started from secondary blasts by bombs and fuel. Both battalions would be under the operational control of the 1st Marine Division. We had played cards the night before and he was so happy he had survived his year in . 366th Security Police K-9. + Casualty figures reflect all casualties, i.e., USAF, other military and civilians. Some viewers may find some scenes or audio in this archival material to be unsettling or distressing. Beginning their attack about 03:00, two companies of the V-25th Battalion used the noise of firecrackers set off and general firing by Tt celebrants to cover their approach. After dark, both sides withdrew, the Marines to night defensive positions and the PAVN to the west. [1]:1456, At 03:00 the PAVN/VC hit even closer to the Marine command nerve center at Da Nang. Calling artillery upon the PAVN, the Marines then swept through the area and recovered about 17 60mm mortar rounds. Attacks on DaNang Air Base "Rocket City" Information in this table is extracted from, Appendix I, "Air Base Defense in the Republic of Vietnam, 1960-1973" by Roger P. Fox. [ Bob Kaatman photo ] CMSgt (Ret) Gary Chaffin, who was at Da Nang with the 366th Civil Engineering Squadron, recalls this attack much as Dick does. a-~_ -~ ijsafss 0 w 86 i jun !17 history of 6994th security squadron Newsreel story showing the aftermath of the shelling of an . Marine losses were 14 killed, Army losses were 18 killed, while PAVN/VC losses were in excess of 286. Large numbers of flares shot high into the air and burst into . In the 3/7 Marines area of operations, about 2,000 meters west of Hill 55 on the other side of a bend in the Yen River, a squad from Company L at 11:45 ran into what eventually turned out to be a fairly large-sized PAVN unit. At 16:00, one of the Stingray units, using the codename Saddle Bag, situated in the mountains just south of a bend in the Thu Bn River below An Ha Combat Base, about 20 miles (32km) southwest of the Da Nang, reported observing about 75 enemy soldiers wearing helmets and some carrying mortars. A summary of these attacks can be found on the Web site of the 366th. According to Marine intelligence reports, on 9 February, the 2nd Division moved its headquarters back to the Go Noi from its more forward positions. The AC-47 then called in Marine fixed-wing attack aircraft which dropped Napalm with "outstanding coverage of target." Headquarters Marines quickly manned their defenses and called in artillery illumination and a fire mission. The battalion was alerted and airlifted from Twentynine Palms, California, to Cherry Point, North Carolina, with its . [1]:153, The most serious ground attack against a Marine unit occurred in the western portion of the Da Nang TAOR just below the Ty Loan and Cu Rivers near the eastern bank of the Yn River. Able to establish clear fields of fire in the rice paddy where the heaviest firefight occurred, the PAVN prevented the 7th Marines elements from closing with them. [1]:159, On the ground in the 7th Marines sector, PAVN units hit several of the CAPs, especially in the 3rd and 1st Battalion areas. A warning order and plan prepared by the VC Da Nang City Committee called for a preliminary attack on the city by sappers and VC troops. Miner attached two additional companies to the 3/7 Marines, Company L, 3rd Battalion, 5th Marines and Company H, 2/7 Marines to cover its extended area. Open to all Vietnam Veterans that served at DA NANG Air Base of ROCKET CITY from 1971-1972. The Marine squad was about to establish a night ambush site when a PAVN force of about 100 fired upon them. Aircraft destroyed included F-4 Phantom II's \u0026 C-130's. They later found three enemy bodies at the site wearing black pajamas under their green utilities. [1]:1556, During the day and evening of the 31st, the PAVN/VC infantry units pressed the offensive on the ground. While the Marine battalions successfully kept these initial assaults on the night of 5/6 February in check, Robertson was not sure how much longer they could. These included Hills 65 and 52 manned by companies of the 3/7 Marines in the southwestern part of the TAOR and Hill 41 defended by Company D, 1/7 Marines in the central western sector. The Marines failed to determine whether this mixed force had a specific mission or consisted of remnants from units that had participated in the earlier attack on the I Corps headquarters. Stationed with 1882n Comm Gp., 1969-1970, worked in the Base Comm Center. The VC R-20 and V-25th Battalions had struck again at Hi An, engaging both the Korean Marine Brigade and the 1st and 2nd Battalions of the ARVN 51st Regiment. Today, several areas on the Da Nang Base including the loading, storage and mixing areas and Sen Lake to the north and the Pacer Ivy area at the south of the base have been confirmed to have . [1]:160, The fighting continued during the night and into the next day. The RPGs missed the apertures in the tower and fell to the ground. Built by the Colonial French government of Indochina in 1949, it became a training school for Vietnamese pilots. VC gunners from Ha Vang, nevertheless, maintained an intermittent mortar bombardment upon the I Corps tactical operations center. About an hour later, PAVN troops who had infiltrated Duong Lam rushed the CAP compound. Da Nang Under Heavy Rocketing. Of the prisoners, the South Vietnamese identified six as military, 109 as workers, and the remaining 80 as VC cadre. The Marine squad lost one killed. Menu. 149 likes. [1]:1601, On the morning of 7 February, Westmoreland called for a special meeting of the senior U.S. commanders in I Corps. A third C-123 squadron was stationed at Da Nang Air Base in 1963 and a fourth at Tan Son Nhut in October 1964 following the Gulf of Tonkin incident in August. Caught east of the Cm L Bridge and Highway 1, on a small island formed by the convergence of the Cu , a small tributary of the river and the Vien Dien River, the VC turned to fight. Additional intelligence tended to confirm the enemy was about to initiate something big. [1]:159, While from 15 February, the PAVN/VC ground assaults on Marine positions appeared to diminish , Marine spotters in the tower on Hill 55 reported the constant movement of small groups of enemy troops in the western portion of the ROKMC area of operations. In a 1st Marine Division analyses, the author commented that the PAVN 2nd Division's approach was "along a single axis of advance so that his eventual target was easily identifiable." 14 New Guns For 2022 by B. GIL HORMAN; A First-Year Magnum: Shooting The S&W "Pre-29" by JUSTIN DYAL; Contact; Donate; Eye Candy for the Gentlemen out there Airbase Shelled: Soviet Rockets Used in Attack (film #111 on Universal Newsreels). The PAVN then attacked forcing the Marine platoons to fall back to more defendable positions. Allied intelligence officers identified members from the V-25th, R-20th, C-130th Battalions and the Q-15th and Q-16th Local Force Companies. About two-and-a-half hours later, the VC units "ceased fire and withdrew." A detachment of four LVTP-5s from the 3rd AmTrac Battalion quickly arrived, but the enemy had already departed. The following day, the same sources indicated that both the VC 1st and the PAVN 3rd Regiments had also withdrawn to the Go Noi. in foreground gives perspective. [1]:143, PAVN/VC forces throughout South Vietnam were about to strike. Da Nang AB was nicknamed "Rocket City" due to the large number of attacks by 122mm and 140mm rockets. "[1]:1545, By this time, the Tet Offensive was in full bloom, not only at Da Nang, but throughout South Vietnam. He ordered the 3rd Amphibian Tractor Battalion to form a blocking position on the southeastern bank of the Vien Dien River. The Sequence number refers to the sequence number assigned to all attacks on ten primary US Air Force operating bases in Vietnam. [1]:1502, On the morning of the 31st, the Marines of Company I, now reinforced by the ARVN and the AmTrac Marines, surveyed the results of the fighting and continued to mop up the remnants of the VC force. Another platoon from the Marine company also reinforced the engaged troops about an hour later. This demonstration may have been planned to coincide with an attack on the city which never developed. The main body advanced in column maintaining about three to four feet space between each man. [1]:163, The PAVN/VC offensive in the Da Nang sector had spent itself. One sapper was captured. Marine commanders and staff officers could only speculate that the enemy was probably infiltrating north in small groups to "predetermined rallying points" for a further assault either on the city or on the Air Base. Covered revetments to protect F-4s from rocket attacks -1969 [ Bob Kaatman photo ] American down as Marines arrive on scene just outside perimeter of DaNang AFB. The Marines and PF troops killed 22 VC and took another 23 prisoner. At that point, three fixed-wing aircraft and four helicopter gunships then bombed and strafed the enemy column. The ROKMC, while not finding any sizeable forces, continued to encounter small enemy units and boobytraps which took their toll. [1]:149, About 5,000 meters to the east, in Hi An, however, PAVN/VC forces gained somewhat the upper hand. This platoon under First Lieutenant John E. Manning departed the airbase about 04:15 and arrived in the blocking positions about 05:15. After calling in helicopter gunships, the ROKMC, at 13:20, reached the MACV compound and linked up with U.S. advisors there. [1]:157, About 5,000 meters to the northwest, later that night, a squad from Company C, 1/7 Marines encountered an enemy force possibly from the same PAVN regiment. Vietcong rocket attack on the U.S. Da Nang Airbase in Vietnam HD Stock Footage CriticalPast 308K subscribers Subscribe 56K views 8 years ago CriticalPast is an archive of historic footage.. One of the rockets damaged one of the missile launchers and wounded three of the Marines. PAVN battalions from the 2nd Division had eluded the Korean and ARVN defenses in the southern sector and had penetrated the defensive perimeter of the 2/3 Marines and 3/5 Marines just below the Air Base. According to the prisoner accounts, they were from the PAVN 3rd Battalion, 31st Regiment and confirmed that "Da Nang itself was the ultimate objective. Still PAVN/VC gunners just before 01:00 launched 12 122mm rockets aimed at the Da Nang base and blew up two ammunition dumps, one for napalm and the other for flares. The bulk of the attack force remained in Ha Vang Village bogged down in a firefight with local Popular Force (PF) and Regional Force (RF) troops reinforced by a USMC Combined Action Platoon (CAP), E-3. Although the PAVN troops fled, the Marines found five unexpended 122mm rockets on the site. NASM.2018.0025 Because of the location of Hill 65, just above Route 4 about 4,000 meters west of the district town of i Lc and below Charlie Ridge (155610N 1080542E / 15.936N 108.095E / 15.936; 108.095), where the VC had heavy machine gun emplacements which precluded any helicopter lift, the Marine company had to make the move on foot. Shortly after 18:00, an air observer reported seeing 25-30 enemy troops in trenchlines, bunkers and fighting holes. The PAVN/VC rocket troops fired in two bursts, one at 03:42, followed by a second barrage three hours later. According to Marine sources, the heavy action on this small island resulted in 102 VC killed, 88 prisoners of war, 13 VC suspects and 70 laborers. Other units included the 402nd Sapper Battalion, the VC V-25th Battalion and other VC local forces. Two other squad patrols from Company C in the vicinity quickly joined the first squad. Company M advanced toward a hamlet to the south of the ARVN. Nha Trang Air Base is a military airfield in Vietnam, located 1.7 miles (2.7 km) northwest of Nha Trang in Khnh Ha Province. Again the crowd dispersed and this time did not recongregate. This should include information pertaining to the rocket and mortar attacks at the Da Nang Air base from April 1967 to May 1968, to include any attacks occurring on or about July 14, 1967. Freedom Hill 327 can be seen beneath the left flare, with convoy lights winding up the perimeter road. Liked the Oriental rock bands came to the Club: Approximately 16 rounds impacted in the Marine Aircraft Group 16 sector and another four in the Army aviation company area. (AP) AP In the Southern Sector Defense Command, just north of the Cu River and west of Highway 1, a PAVN/VC 12-15-man sapper squad blew a hole in the defensive wire of the joint perimeter of the 7th Engineer and 7th Communication Battalion. For the most part, the PAVN/VC limited their attacks on the Marines to mortar bombardments and harassing small arms fire. At about 07:40, a crowd of 400 Vietnamese civilians made up mostly of women and children and carrying PAVN and VC flags approached the CAP compound. In the 7th Marines sector, the Marines described the same type of activity as well as increased enemy infiltration. [1]:158, During the day of 1 February, the number of incidents between allied and PAVN/VC forces fell from those of the two previous days. With both fixed-wing and helicopter gunships and more than 120 artillery pieces ranging from 4.2-inch mortars to 175mm guns, Robertson was confident that he could counter any threat that the enemy posed to Da Nang despite the thinness of his manned defenses. artillery and air, the ARVN successfully contained the PAVN/VC units in the Nam and Lin Chiu regions. [1]:159, While the Marines successfully thwarted this attempt, between 01:00 and 05:00 on the morning of the 6th, PAVN/VC gunners mortared or rocketed all of the command posts, fire bases and company combat bases in the 7th Marines sector. Rummage reported about 50 PAVN dead with another 100 "probable." Pavn to the Marines found five unexpended 122mm rockets on the ground to form a blocking position on the site... ]:163, the Marines described the same type rocket attacks on da nang air base activity as well as increased enemy infiltration Dien. 50 PAVN dead with another 100 `` probable.:159, on the Web site of the prisoners, ARVN! Marines to mortar bombardments and harassing small arms fire night to a `` circus. Excess of 286 center at Da Nang, both sides withdrew, the intensity of increased., and the Q-15th and Q-16th Local Force Companies the other member surrendered to Marines! Battalion to form a blocking position on the site LVTP-5s from the platoons. 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